@VIVAN LS, We provide CRAMS, Contract Research & Manufacturing Services, for complex and challenging products, useful for various Business Verticals..
Our chemistry capabilities and expertise in scaling up through process chemistry, and moving up for production, and delivering it with established supply chain mode from VIVAN LS, had enabled us to deliver the CRAMS to many of our Clientele
We have Successfully catered to our Client's Supply Chain Requirements of large scale quantities, there by enabling them to have high productivity performance with competitive advantage..
Through CRAMS @VIVAN LS, we have provided fully integrated and standalone Synthesis solutions, process development and scaling up to required quantities, had successfully delivered for various industrial verticals, like Pharmaceuticals, Life Sciences, Electronic Industries, OLED & Display Industries, Solar Cell Industry, Defence & Aerospace Industry,Agrochemicals, Specialty Chemicals Industries and various Research & Academic Institutions.
Our R&D Capabilities & Scaling up abilities will make YOU competitive & successful in YOUR high-end Manufacturing Project endeavours.